Lawmakers: Stop doing polluters’ dirty work


In New Jersey, at least 300 people lost their lives to deadly tailpipe pollution this year. Now, the legislature is giving in to out-of-state polluters and putting corporate profits over public health by stalling a critical clean transportation program.

  • Pending legislation (S3817/A4967) to rollback ACT implementation, effective in January 2025, threatens progress towards clean air for all residents of our state.

  • Cars and trucks are the largest contributor to air pollution in New Jersey, which has more highways per square mile than any other state in the U.S.

  • Toxic emissions from trucks continue flooding the lungs of residents, with low-income and communities of color bearing the brunt of air pollution. Exposure to diesel exhaust leads to premature deaths, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular issues, concentrated in communities near major transit routes and industrial areas.

We won’t stand by while multi-billion-dollar corporations spread lies, make threats, and sacrifice New Jerseyans to pad their profits. Diesel pollution is killing us.


Our leaders have a choice: protect us or them.